Nepro-Uro Crosstalk: Modern Perspective on Urolithiasis
Dear Colleagues,
We are delighted to invite you to participate in the International Conference ‘Nephro-Uro Crosstalk: Modern Perspectives on Urolithiasis’, which will be held on October 11, 2024, at the Courtyard by Marriott Vilnius City Center Hotel in Vilnius, Lithuania (Rinktines St. 3).
Kidney stones are common, cause significant morbidity for patients, have a high recurrence rate, and can lead to unfavourable outcomes like chronic kidney disease. To prevent stone recurrence and associated complications, it is essential to recognize underlying metabolic disorders, which might be the cause of kidney stone formation. Although rare, if diagnosed, they may have specific treatments.
The Urolithiasis meeting will be the first “Academy of Rare Diseases” scientific congregation, bringing together pediatric and adult nephrologists, urologists, and geneticists from all three Baltic countries: Lithuania, Latvia, and Estonia.
We hope that the knowledge shared by invited experts will help to recognize the burden that kidney stones present to patients in their lives, understand the causes and diagnostic possibilities of kidney stone formation starting in childhood and continuing into adulthood, as well as modern treatment and prevention.
The meeting is organized in cooperation with the Lithuanian Paediatric Nephrology Society, the Lithuanian Kidney Foundation, the Vilnius University Faculty of Medicine, ERKNet, and eUROGEN.
Sincerely yours,
On behalf of the Organizing Committee
Prof. Rimante Cerkauskiene
Organizing committee:
Prof. Rimante Cerkauskiene (chair of organizing committee)
Prof. Marius Miglinas
Prof. Augustina Jankauskiene
Prof. Gilvydas Verkauskas
Prof. Arunas Zelvys
Assoc. prof. Karolis Azukaitis
Invited lecturers:
Prof. Jaap W. Groothoff, Head Department Pediatric Nephrology Amsterdam university hospital, The Netherlands.
Prof. Karl Peter Schlingmann, University Hospital of Münster, Germany. (TBC)
Prof. Przemyslaw Sikora, Department of Paediatric Nephrology Faculty of Medicine Medical University of Lublin, Poland.
Prof. Eugene Minevich, Division of Pediatric Urology, Endowed Chair of Pediatric Urology International Education, Director of Stone Center, Cincinnati Children’s Hospital, USA.