Academy of Rare Diseases // Nepro-Uro Crosstalk: Modern Perspective on Urolithiasis
Academy of Rare Diseases
Grand Rounds in Rare diseases (Project)
Nepro-Uro Crosstalk:
Modern Perspective on Urolithiasis
9-10 of May 2024, Vilnius, Lithuania
Kidney stones are common, causing significant morbidity for patients, have a high recurrence rate, and can lead to unfavorable outcomes like chronic kidney disease.
To prevent stone recurrence and associated complications, it is essential to recognize underlying metabolic disorders that are the cause of kidney stone formation.
Find out the basics of the diagnostic approaches for identifying causes of kidney stone formation and the treatment of these causes in this Grand Rounds.
Recognize the burden that kidney stones present to the patients across all life
Understand the causes and diagnostic possibilities of kidney stone formation from childhood to adult setting
Discuss the treatments aimed at preventing kidney stone formation
Organizing committee:
Prof. Rimante Cerkauskiene (chair of organizing committee)
Prof. Marius Miglinas
Prof. Augustina Jankauskiene
Assoc. Prof. Karolis Azukaitis
Dr. Agne Kerpauskiene
Prof. Y. Frishberg (TBC) Director, Division of Pediatric Nephrology, Shaare Zedek Medical Center, Jerusalem, Israel;
Prof. G. Verkauskas
Prof. D. Vitkus
Prof. L. Ambrozaityte
Assoc. prof. A. Zelvys
Draft Program
Day 1: 9th of May 2024
Meet the colleagues’ discussions in clinical pediatric environment
Vilnius University hospital Santaros klinikos, Pediatric center, Children’s diseases Day care department
Santariškių 7, Vilnius, Lithuania
15.00- 15.10 Welcome and opening of the event. Prof. R. Cerkauskiene
15.10-15.30 Visit to the center: practical issues
15.30- 15.50 Imaging urolithiasis, complications and interventions in children. Prof. G. Verkauskas
15.50 – 16.00 Case presentation HO, Prof. R. Cerkauskiene, dr. A. Kerpauskiene
16.00 – 16.30 Approach and Medical Management of Urinary Tract Stone in Children in Israel. Prof. Y. Frishberg
16.30 – 16.45 Laboratory testing for urolithiasis in Lithuania: possibilities and limitations (Prof. D. Vitkus)
16.45 – 17.00 Genetic panel availability for urolithiasis in Lithuania. Prof. L. Ambrozaityte
Day 2: 10th of May 2024
Perspectives on Urolithiasis Differential Diagnosis and Treatment
Vilnius University hospital Santaros klinikos, Pediatric center,
Santariškių 7, Vilnius, Lithuania
10.00-10.30 Registration and welcome coffee
10.30-10.40 Opening of the event. Prof. R. Cerkauskiene, Prof. A. Jankauskiene, Prof. M Miglinas
10.40-11.25 Current update on the diagnostic and treatment possibilities in pediatric urolithiasis, Prof. Y. Frishberg
11:25-11:40 Adult urolithiasis: meaningful synergy between nephrologists and urologists. Prof. M. Miglinas
11:40-11:45 Q&A
11.45-12.00 Coffee and cross talks
12.00 – 12.15 Urolithiasis and nephrocalcinosis: attention to rare causes. Prof. R. Cerkauskiene
12.15 – 12.35 Urologists view to the urolithiasis in pediatric setting. Prof. G. Verkauskas
12.35 – 12.55 Urologists view to the urolithiasis in adult setting. Assoc. prof. A. Zelvys
12:55-13:00 Q&A
13.00 – 14.00 Lunch
14.00-14.15 Is there currently a meaningful synergy between urologists, nephrologists and scientists in basic stone research. Assoc. prof. K. Azukaitis
14.15 – 15.00 Overview of urolithiasis in Baltic countries: Latvia, Estonia, Lithuania (5-10 min. ppt.)
15.00-15.55 Round table discussion, future projects and cooperation possibilities: all participants.
Moderators: Prof. M. Miglinas, Assoc. prof. K. Azukaitis
15.55 – 16.00 Closing remarks