The Latvian Association of Nephrologists was founded on 23 February 1992. The objectives of the LNA are to develop and improve the treatment of kidney diseases and renal replacement therapy in Latvia, to support and promote professional training and research in the field of nephrology, to bring the quality and evaluation of nephrologists work closer to the level of other EU countries.
LNA organises monthly meetings, courses and the Baltic Nephrology Conference every 6 years. The Nephrology Association currently has 63 active members. Its first President is Prof. Ilmārs Lazovskis.
Our team

Asoc. prof. Ieva Ziediņa
The President

Asoc. prof. Viktorija Kuzema

Dr. Maija Motivāne
Secretary - Treasurer
Latvijas Nefrologu asociācijas sēde 30. Janvārī
VIIi Baltic Heart Failure And XV Arrhythmias Meeting
KDIGO 2024 Klīniskās prakses vadlīniju hroniskasnieru slimības novērtēšanai un ārstēšanaikopsavilkums: zināmie zināmie un zināmie nezināmie
Contact us!
Pilsoņu iela 13, Rīga, LV1002
Reģistrācijas numurs 40008004227
Swedbank, HABALV22, LV49HABA000140J035997