Mayo Clinic Meeting, May 10 & 11, 2024


to join the Second Austrian Mayo Clinic Meeting

Dear Madame, dear Sir,

on behalf of Prof. Dr. A. Kronbichler, PD Dr. W. Willenbacher and Prof. Dr. F.C. Fervenza it's my great pleasure to send you our invitation to join the upcoming

Mayo Clinic Meeting – Hemato-Oncology meets Nephrology

held in Salzburg, Austria on May 10 & 11, 2024.

The scientific committee has set up an attractive program with international speakers from all over Europe and the United States. Please visit the conference webpage for more details.


Hotel Friesacher
Hellbrunnerstraße 17
5081 Anif/Salzburg, Austria

Registration fees

Medical Specialist                          290.- Euros
Physician in training, Scientist       240.- Euros
Students and PostDocs                 190.- Euros
Partners from industry                   500.- Euros

The fee includes:

- Participation in the whole scientific program
- Conference material as pdf
- Coffee break, lunch and Dinner on Friday
- Coffee breaks and lunch on Saturday

CME accreditation
We will claim 14 CME credits from the Austrian Medical Chamber (creditable in the European countries).

May we ask you to forward this information to the members of the society and to any interested colleagues.

On behalf of the organising committee I like to thank you for your assistance!

Eugen Preuß, MD
